Broccoli Cheese Soup
A delicious fresh family soup that will be an instant favorite.
Servings Prep Time
6-8people 10minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6-8people 10minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
  1. Boil all veggies but broccoli in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.
  2. Add the broccoli and boil for 10 more minutes. DO NOT DRAIN.
  3. In a saucepan, melt margarine. Stir in flour. Add milk and cook, stirring constantly, until thick. Add cheese and other ingredients. Mix until smooth. Add to undrained veggies and heat together but do not boil.
  4. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

Recipe: Favorites: Ivory family cookbook page 54.